martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Tareas a preparar por el alumnado para el viaje a Portugal

Tasks for C2 Portugal:

1- Prepare a presentation about the school (max 5 min).
2- Write two short stories (around 200 words each): one about a famous or influent emigrant and another one about a famous or influent immigrant. These should be real stories, about the lives of people who have had an important role in society (in the present or in the past). Each country should choose the story of two national personalities, focusing on the reasons that led them to migrate and the areas in which they have excelled (culture, economy, science, politics, etc.).
3- Prepare a Power Point presentation about one of the personalities above (max 10 min).
4- Prepare a drama about the other personality (max 12 min).
5- Each participating student must answer this question (between 80 and 100 words):
“If you had to emigrate to another country, what country would you choose to live?”
To justify your choice, you must refer to these aspects: culture, economy and politics.
6- Make students familiar with (students will work on the collection of stories using this tool - they will also have a chance to learn how to work on this tool in Portugal).

Programa Cultural C2 Portugal

Programme - Students_20 Mar by jocfrascala on Scribd

¡Por fin tenemos WEB! ¿Entramos?

Jornadas de difusión sobre nuestro proyecto en el CEP de Córdoba

El pasado nuevo de enero difundimos nuestro proyecto en provincia
 Compartimos nuestra experiencia con aquellos centros que actualmente llevan a cabo un K2
 La actividad fue muy enriquecedora para todos los allí presentes